About Us
Pine Haven Creations creates unique handmade, personal items for gifting and spoiling loved ones. Normally a pouch, bag and quiltmaker, I have branched out to custom masks, key fobs and other unique reasonably priced items. We would like to work with you to create a unique, custom gift that will be appreciated for years to come. Pine Haven Creations would like to be your first stop for unique, custom handmade gifts in the Durham region.
Most gifts, with the exception of custom quilts can be ready in 5-7 days and are available for pickup in Ajax. Shipping is also available at an extra cost.
Please also visit and like my facebook page for more options and future creations at https://www.facebook.com/PHCCustomQuilts .
Check out the many of our unique gift option or drop me a message at pinehavencreations@rogers.com to begin collaborating on a special gift for a special someone – even if that someone is yourself!! Stay safe!